Nurturing Health
Developing Resilience

Nau mai me te manaakitanga ki a tātou katoa.
Welcome and blessings everyone.
At Aurora we believe that health is a state of living dynamic balance. Our approach supports the interplay between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of each person and includes and complements the work of conventional health services.
We have a range of therapies to support clients of all ages and stages – babies, children, teens, adults and those in palliative care – in times of stress, transition, crises and change.
With our multidisciplinary team of practitioners we have the advantage of offering a combination of therapies and provide the opportunity for Client Reflections as a way to broaden the understanding and possible therapeutic approach for a client.
Our therapists work in various locations in the Wellington region.
Aurora’s heart-felt wish is to make our therapies truly accessible.
To find information about how to receive a subsidy or to make a donation, please see our Aurora Fund page.
Website design: Emily Fletcher Design | Photography: Catherine Cattanach & Wonderbird